Offensive exterior firefighting in the Fire Fighting Quadrant model

Offensive exterior firefighting in the Fire Fighting Quadrant model

The OFFEXT arm nozzle is designed to be used in compartment fires for offensive exterior firefighting. Offensive exterior is one of four firefighting tactical approaches defined in the quadratic model. The model defines four basic tactical approaches based on the goal (extinguishing the fire or limiting the damages) and the exposure of fire fighters (inside the compartment or outside).

Picture modifies using the source: Brandweeracademie (2017). The offensive exterior attack: extraordinary? Perspective for a practical application based on four experimental studies. Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid.

The benefits of the offensive exterior approach over the interior attack include safer work environment, less exposure to harmful substances in the smoke, lighter physical workload and less maintenance work after the incident. The stability of the building must be ensured also when using the offensive exterior approach.

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